Friday, August 21, 2015

The London/Paris Adventures - Entry #2

Leaving on a jet plane...

Of course before we did that we had to be prepared.  That required more lists. Lists of things to buy and then lists of things to pack. My list of course included buying some clothes.  It was the little necessities though that became important. Buying the travel size toothpastes and soaps which are very cute and make it so much easier to pack.  Plus, it makes us adhere to all those flight security rules like not having bags over a certain weight limit.

When I was initially planning on the trip I figured I would go minimalist and just take my big backpack. I would be like a college kid heading off to Europe for a fun backpackers vacation.  I am not a college kid though and there are certain necessities like the aforementioned toothpaste and soap that I want and so I ended up having to pack the big red monster.

The big red monster is my huge suitcase on wheels.  It probably could fit a small adult in it if needed.  It is big and can be cumbersome but at least it has wheels to make the transporting of it much easier.  It is still a monster though so wheels or not the thing is big and not what I had hoped to take but became necessary to fit all my girlie needs into.  And, he did the job. He stretched himself out and fit all my clothes and shoes (yes, plural, a girl needs multiple shoes) and toiletries.

I had not traveled in a long time overseas, but I was more systematic this time in doing it.  I wrote out all the clothes, electronics, toiletries, shoes, everything really that I would be taking. It became a very long list.  I used that list as I packed and started the packing two days before the trip. That way, if I remembered that I forgot anything I still had time to add it into the bag or onto my list. Of course things still need to go into the big red monster in a set way to maximize space and remembering something that should be on the bottom requires unpacking and repacking.  Yes, that did happen. With a two day lead to pack though it gave me time to do all of that.

For me another necessity is not to have a flight that leaves too early. I am not a morning person and for all those items that need to be packed at the last minute it is key that I am awake in order to think about them and get everything I need.  In fact, we woke up excited the morning of our trip with plenty of time for showering and last minute packing...or so I thought.

I had run downstairs after I thought I was done packing but before I was about to shower before a 16 hour trip.  I remembered that I hadn't checked us into the Aeroflot airline online. Not having flown Aeroflot before I thought that was another necessity that I forgot to put on my list.  I opened my email, found the website, clicked to check us in and boom. (And that was not a good boom). I had the wrong code. Oh no, what if they didn't have us on this flight really.  This was all a trick to get me excited. London and Paris I tried to get there but couldn't.

So, I found the phone number AND saw that you could chat with them online to get the right code for online check-in.  I was starting to worry about the time so I did the logical thing.  I started a chat AND called the airline.  One of them would be faster and one of them would respond.  Luckily, or strangely, they both answered at the same time.  The chat attendant reached out at the same time the phone attendant got on.  I couldn't close down one.  That would be rude. So, I had both people working for me at the same time.

I will say I preferred the chat.  Not because it was faster because they also both got me the right code at the same time and that was not fast.  It took forever to get the code.  Nope, it was because the person on the phone was not the most pleasant.  There may have been a slight language barrier.  I spoke English and they spoke mean Russian. That is okay. I got the code and plugged it in and it said we were good to go.  London here we come.

This meant though that time had run out. No shower before the 16 hour flight.  Good thing I packed deodorant in my carry on.  I would have to do a Polish shower for the trip.

We drove to the airport and Aeroflot was the first airline.  We parked in the parking garage and in our excitement parked at the farthest end of the parking garage to the long tunnel that connects the garage to the airport.  We didn't care.  Only the big red monster cared when he wheeled along and tried to overturn on me a couple times.  He did not prevail though.  Half way to the tunnel we stopped to document our trip with pictures of the airport.  We have been to this airport a million times but it wasn't taking us to London then as it was today.  It was a beautiful sunny day and the airport looked like a giant happy place that takes people on wonderful adventures.

After a few photos we made the long hike through the tunnel to arrive inside the airport.  There was no turning back now.  In front of us was the Aeroflot counter with some of the cutest flight attendants I had ever seen. The Aeroflot attendants look like they belong on flights from the 1950s.  The women had on orange skirts and jackets with white tops and orange scarves around their necks.  Their hair was perfectly coiffed and the picture at Aeroflot even showed one blond attendant with white gloves on.  It was like stepping into a 1950s airline fashion magazine.

As rude as the woman on the phone for Aeroflot was the ladies at the desk were very sweet.  They had Russian accents of course and luckily the big red monster passed the weight test.  A feat anyone can appreciate when having to be weighed in public.  The line to get to the desk was a bit long and slow but watching all the people that may be flying with us that day was fascinating.  There were couples and families, young and old.  Everyone seemed excited.  Unfortunately, we had to rush to get to security though because the long line did not give us as much extra time as I had hoped since I know security check-ins can be long grueling lines of anxious people.

That is exactly what is was also.  It was a confusing mass of people.  I don't know why but it always seems that most individuals look excited at the ticket counters and anxious going through security...anxious and annoyed.  I don't mind the long security checks if I stay safe so we got through the long line, took of our shoes, our belts, and put our laptops in separate bins. I got yelled at for not doing that the last time I traveled.  I was going to make sure that wouldn't happen again.  Then you stand ready to go through the scanner and I was not worried.  I walked in, turned to the side, and put my hands up. BEEP!

"Step over here ma'am."  (Side note: I hate being called ma'am, especially by someone who was probably older than I am.)  I had to get checked by the lady.  I passed.  Of course TC laughed when he made it through the scanner no problem.  TC enjoyed watching me squirm I think.  It was funny though. I was so confident and then here I was the one being checked.

Security line was completed and we now could shuttle to our terminal.  Once in the terminal we had just enough time to grab a bite to eat to take onto the plane.  There was no waiting around at any point for the flight to London. We timed everything perfectly and a little by the skin of our teeth.  Getting all the passengers onto the plane was a long line that we patiently, or impatiently really, stood in.  I found a way to amuse myself though as I watched one woman inch ahead of everyone very slowly and slyly so they wouldn't even know she was doing it.  Every time the line moved forward she managed to get in front of the person ahead of her.  She started out behind TC and I and now she was already ten people ahead.  The girl had mad line-cutting skills.

We made it through the third line of the day though and got onto the plane and found our seats.  Once we sat down we realized why Aeroflot may be the cheaper way to fly.  It would be easier to cut your legs off and stick them in the overhead bin to free up some space.  We were all like cramped sardines on the first leg of our journey, a 9 hour flight to Moscow.

Our excitement was not to be deterred though.  We were on our way to London.  This was going to be great.

To be continued with Entry #3 - Moscow airport introduction and London arrival! Oh yeah!

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